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Incomplete Page 22

  She felt the blood drain from her face. Where Luke’s hand rested on her shoulder burned. For the first few seconds, she just stared at him. Luke showed. So did her lover. If it was possible for the earth to open and swallow her, now would be a great time.

  “You’re her… you made it.” Unease twisted in her gut, realizing she almost said the same words to her husband that she’d just texted Gage, the man with whom she was having an affair, who also happened to be standing at the back of the auditorium.

  Luke waited for Justin to take the seat vacated as everyone moved down one to make room for him. “It’s important to Ashley,” Luke said.

  Tilly watched her husband as he sat down; this new Luke who was taking a more active role in his family’s lives...she wanted that once upon a time. Now, she was finding his interest annoying as hell, and worrisome, because what had brought on the change? The answer was likely standing in the back of the auditorium. How a person could be hot and cold at the same time, she didn’t know, but she was. Chills raced through her, as her body started to sweat from anxiety.

  “Ashley will be happy you’re here.”

  Luke reached for her hand; her phone was in her other. She turned it face down so he wouldn’t see the message thread. Her hand was clammy, he could surely feel that, probably could feel her pulse racing too. If he did, he said nothing about that and instead asked, “Aren’t you happy I’m here?”

  She was happy for Ashley, but she wasn’t happy. Especially not when she felt Gage’s stare burning holes into the back of her head. She lied to Luke when she smiled and said, “Of course.”

  “Thought maybe we could grab some ice cream afterward,” Luke offered, then looked at Justin. “How’s that sound?”

  “Sounds good to me.” Justin mumbled.

  Gage watched as Tilly’s husband had everyone move down a chair, making room for him like he was fucking royalty. And when he sat, he didn’t even have the fucking decency to thank anyone for their consideration. Asshole. Then Gage’s anger grew as he watched him talking to her, the look on his face as if she was to bow to him that he showed. Similar to the one he wore at Hershey Park. Dickhead. Gage fisted his hands, threatening to crack his cell. When Luke grabbed Tilly’s hand, Gage put his foot that had been on the wall to the floor, ready to take a step. As much as he wanted to go to her…he couldn’t.

  With all the conflicting emotions battering her from the inside, Tilly felt like she was going to come out of her skin. She couldn’t sit there, needed to get away from Luke, needed air, needed to talk to Gage. She stood, her knees giving a little, causing her to grab the back of the chair in front of her. “I want to use the restroom before the concert starts. I’ll be right back.” She didn’t wait. She walked up the aisle, passing Gage and meeting his eyes, and then kept on going.

  Gage wasted no time in moving through the crowd, even bumping into people as he went, following Tilly. He got to the door, saw she was holding it for other parents coming and going. Passing her, he moved to the double doors leading outside and walked out them.

  Tilly pushed open the doors leading outside, saw Gage and thankfully didn’t see any other parents strolling toward them. She moved farther down to where there was cover offered by the small courtyard tucked back from the main doors. She felt him right behind her. Turning to him, even being happy to see him, she wasn’t feeling too happy. Evident when she greeted him with, “What in the fucking hell were you thinking?”

  Gage’s guard went up when he bit out, “Could have said the same when you showed up at my client’s house. Nice to see you, too, sweetheart.”

  He wasn’t wrong, she’d done the same, but the situation was different. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down but this was her family, her kids. “I showed up because you’d stopped talking to me. I didn’t show up at Scarlett’s school carrying cookies and looking to socialize.”

  Gage held his hands up. “Ain’t got cookies, baby, and really don’t wanna socialize with anyone inside there.” He tucked his hands in his pockets. “Just thought I was doing something nice, being here cause it was important to you, wanted to show you that.” He took a hand out of his pocket, stabbing his chest when he finished. “I’d be here no matter what, if I was the man in your life. Two minutes or two hours away.”

  Tilly just stared, didn’t have words. She had to pry Luke away from work, and here Gage came simply because it was important. How the hell did she stay mad? Her voice softened, “I can’t tell you what that means to me. I really can’t.”

  “You don’t have to tell me; you could come here and show me by giving me a kiss.” Gage winked at her.

  Tilly thought about that for exactly two seconds, even taking a quick glance around. She was at her daughter’s school. To hell with it, she stepped into him, her arms going around his neck as she lifted her head and smiled. “I can do that.”

  Gage closed the distance between them, his head bending to touch her lips. His arms went around her waist when he deepened the kiss. The world around faded away, both forgetting their surroundings and any consequences that could follow their actions. Their need… their want becoming so strong for each other that both were going the distance to exploit themselves at the hand of their obsession for one another.

  Tilly didn’t want to, but she pulled back from Gage. Her tongue ran over her lower lip to savor his taste. “I have to get back inside.” Her voice reflecting the struggle because all she wanted right then was to stay right where she was. “Thank you for…” she stopped herself, lacing her fingers at his neck, and kissed him again, her lips lingering when she added, “So fucking good to see you.”

  Gage laid his forehead against hers. “Two days is a long time.” He kissed her then told her, “Go.” Even though the words hurt when he spoke them. He didn’t want to watch her walk away…again. Because as many times as he did, it never got any easier.

  She started walking backwards. “I love why you came...I love that you’re here.” She stopped, moved back to him, kissed him, letting it linger for a second. “I love you,” she whispered.

  Gage enclosed his arms around Tilly’s waist, again. “I love you,” he told her and kissed her firm on her lips. He looked into her eyes a beat before he admitted, “I don’t wanna let you go.”

  “I don’t want you to let me go. Two days is too fucking long. Even just this little bit of time with you, I really needed it.”

  Gage brushed his lips across Tilly’s, once more, their mouths opening ever so slightly, brushing tongues before breaking apart. Their breaths coating a warmth between them. “I have a full schedule tomorrow, but Christmas Eve morning, let’s meet at the Hyatt in Philly, yeah?”

  Her kids would be home, and Luke and his new lease on life, but Tilly would figure something out. She wanted time with him, real time, not stolen moments. “I’ll be there.”

  Gage kissed her again, his lips lingering on hers as he held her firm to his body, a hand moving down to graze across her ass. “The room will be under Tillian Sutherland.” He grinned at her. But fuck, the sound of that. The way it felt on his tongue was almost as sweet as the taste of her pussy.

  Between his hand on her ass and hearing him say Tillian Sutherland, she bit her lip, “You’re making it very hard for me to walk away.”

  “You’re making me hard,” Gage teased.

  It was freezing outside, but Tilly was burning up. “I’m leaving or I won’t be leaving, and we’ll be explaining ourselves to Luke tonight.” And even as she said it, it took effort to move away from him, looking as he did. He was the only thing she wanted for Christmas, the only thing she wanted period. It scared her a little at how much she was willing to give up for him. Even now, risking getting caught, knowing someone could stumble onto them...including Luke, but a part of her didn’t care. Like the blood coursing through her veins, Gage was a part of her, and every day her need for him grew. He was becoming so vi
tal to her she didn’t know how she’d ever functioned without him.

  Gage stood, watching Tilly walk backwards, her arms folded over her chest, hands rubbing her biceps for warmth. He took in the long black skirt with buttons running down it, and the dark purple cable knit sweater she was wearing, wanting to be there when she dressed, to be there at night to help her take her clothes off, to be there to spend an hour in a hot tub, taking the chill of the day away. But all he could do was watch her walk away and hope that one day he’d get to do just that with her. She was steps away; the distance grew farther, but their eyes still held one another. The words fell from his lips before he had a chance to stop them. “I’m gonna marry you one day, Tillian.”

  Tilly stopped moving. At his words, love didn’t rush through her, it moved slowly, claiming her as it went, filling her completely. He was going to marry her one day. Tears hit her eyes, a happiness she’d never felt, one that he upped every time she was around him. How the hell did she walk away, how did she go back to her life when what she wanted was right in front of her? She wanted to close the distance, wanted to feel his hard body against hers again, but she didn’t. She didn’t make a move to walk away either, she just held his gaze, tears filling her eyes and made a vow of her own. “I’m going to hold you to that, Gage.”

  Gage’s lips tipped up on one side when he replied, “And I’m gonna hold you forever.” He winked.

  How she stayed where she was, surprised her, because all she wanted to do was run to him. Instead, she touched her lips to her two fingers and blew it to Gage before she reached for the door. “Christmas Eve.”

  Gage made like he caught it and tucked it into his pocket, grinned and repeated, “Christmas Eve.” Gage watched her disappear inside the door. He wanted to follow, even if it was to stand in the back of the room and watch Ashley. And watch Tilly see her girl on the stage, and the happiness it brought her. And he would have, if her husband wasn’t inside. But watching them would only crumble the lightness Gage was feeling. Instead, he jogged to his truck, hopping inside, starting it up and blasting the heat. He drove home. He hit snow on the way causing the two-hour ride to take three. When he got home, it was close to midnight, and when he slipped into bed that night next to his wife, he thought she was fast asleep. She wasn’t.

  Tilly walked back inside. She’d heard the expression floating, but she never understood it until that moment. She was floating, a smile curving her lips, hearing Gage tell her he was going to marry her one day. How a person could go through life thinking they were complete only to learn a part of them was missing. They were the lucky ones, they found each other. He was going to marry her.


  Tilly jerked, her focus shifting to Luke who was standing at the door. Gage’s words were still playing in her head, so it took her a second to realize he wasn’t irritated, like she’d come to expect from him. He looked worried. Guilt pushed through the happy. He strolled to her, his voice soft when he asked, “Are you okay?”

  Only then did she realize he could have walked outside, could have seen her with Gage. Regret and pain twisted through her because, though there was a part of her that wanted him to know, lately, he had been more like the man she married. She didn’t want him to find out about Gage that way.

  “I’m okay.”

  He studied her, her red cheeks and glazed eyes. “You were outside.” He wasn’t asking.

  That guilt grew, seeing his genuine concern and knowing what she’d been doing outside. Her voice wasn’t very strong when she replied, “I was.”


  Her mind worked overtime, thinking of excuses and rejecting them. Part of her just wanted it to be done. To look him in the face and tell him he didn’t make her happy. That she wasn’t in love with him, but there was a little voice she hadn’t heard in a long time that called her a liar. Her stomach twisted, and her heart ached. “I was feeling warm.”

  He understood and the fact that he did was another hit. He’d been so absent, so disinterested, but here he was seeing her…after so long, he was finally seeing her again. “You okay?”

  Tears burned her eyes. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. Why did he have to find his way back now? “Yeah.”

  He held the door for her, his hand on her lower back as he walked her to their seats. He held her hand through the concert. Her eyes drifted to his wedding band, memories she hadn’t called flowing through her mind. Then she saw Gage, the look on his face when he told her he was going to marry her. She held onto her past, the reminder of what they’d had, but she longed for a future with Gage. She didn’t feel the joy around her because her heart was breaking.


  Gage bound down the steps, a smile on his face thinking about the night before. But when he hit the kitchen to see Heather, her back to him, staring out the window, the smile faded, stopping him in the doorway.

  “What are you still doing home?” Gage asked.

  Heather never turned, when she spoke, her voice low and even. “Where were you last night, Gage?”

  Gage felt the rush of nerves course through his body right before his palms began to grow clammy. “Had a meeting,” he lied.

  “No you didn’t,” she said, with a stoically distant tone. “What’s going on, Gage?”

  Gage rested his body against the molded doorway. Taking a deep breath, he wondered if this was it, the day she confronted him about his affair. “What’re you talking about?”

  Heather turned then, her face held no make-up, her eyes bloodshot, her face drawn. “You told Scarlett you had a meeting with another landscaping company that was interested in merging with yours.”

  “Yeah,” Gage nodded. “That’s where I was last night.”

  “No,” She shook her head. “No, it isn’t. Want to know how I know, Gage?”

  Gage braced. This was it. She followed him. No, that was impossible. Someone told her, saw him. All the possibilities flying through his head. The longer he stood there, he only drew out the inevitable. Gage crossed his arms over his chest, standing his ground, ready for the shit show. “How?”

  Heather mimicked his position. “Because my own boss told me he saw you leaving town—”

  “Yeah,” Gage said, eyes slightly wide, head nodding. “We met in Philly.”

  Heather tilted her head, studied her husband. God, he was gorgeous. But he’d changed over the months. Hell, over the past years. She couldn’t fault him because she had done the same. Diving head first into her career, leaving her family behind. She hadn’t meant to, but it felt great to be appreciated for something other than keeping a house and cooking dinner. It felt good. Gave her a rush she’d become addicted to over the years. The only thing shaking her was her husband telling her he wasn’t happy, not even her own daughter living with her friend was able to shake it from her. Knowing her husband was unhappy somehow penetrated, woke her up. Probably because Gage wasn’t one to voice his emotions much, but go with the flow. When he wasn’t following that flow anymore, it scared her. “You sure there’s nothing you want to tell me?”

  Fuck. She was laying it out in front of him. The welcome mat to another life right at his feet. He glanced to the calendar hanging by the phone. December twenty-third. His eyes moved back to his wife, seeing the pain of knowing their marriage was on the rocks was enough for him to say, “No, baby, other than we need coffee.” He smiled.

  Heather let out a visible breath, her shoulders slumped and she walked the distance separating them and into her husband’s arms. Gage wrapped his arms around her, giving her what she needed, but he knew he needed it to. She was now trying, and he wasn’t. How the tables had turned. He didn’t want to hurt her, never thought he would. But at some point, he would have to stop playing the loving, faithful husband. As these thoughts coasted through his mind while holding his wife, his gut twisted. He pictured never slipping into bed next to his w
ife. Never coming home to her. Walking out the door, not turning back. It all felt foreign. A feeling that didn’t sit well with him. Gage held her tighter than he had in years. He just wasn’t sure he was ready to let go.


  Gage had one hand wrapped tightly around the wet strands of Tilly’s hair, her eyes to his. His other hand on her waist, her back arched. Her hands flat against the tile wall of the shower, fingers clawing the ceramic as Gage pounded into her from behind. The hot water beating at their sides.

  Gage moved his eyes from Tilly’s, scanning down her body, and landed on her ass. A full ass that was tipped up and out for him. His eyes watching his cock disappearing into her tight pussy. “Fuck yeah,” he grumbled deeply. “You gonna come for me, baby?”

  He felt her walls quickly closing around his cock before she let out on a strained moan. “Yes.”

  Her pussy gripped his cock, staggering his steady plunges. “Jesus,” he muttered, before kissing her parted lips and moving his hands to lay atop of hers. His hips moved quicker, driving his cock deep inside her. Thrust after thrust, their breaths became louder, groans and moans echoing off the glass and tiled walls.

  “Fuck,” Gage grunted when he came, his movements jerky. Tilly pushed back into him, fucking him, milking every last drop he had.

  With the towels they used to dry off lying at the foot of the bed, Tilly and Gage lay in the king-sized bed. Tilly on her back, Gage’s head on her stomach, facing her feet, his fingers trailing along her stretch marks. “You have everything wrapped for tomorrow?”

  She didn’t want to think about tomorrow. Didn’t want to think beyond right now. Her fingers played with his hair, a contentment she could grow use to. “Things have been wrapped and ready for weeks. How about you?”

  “Yeah,” he muttered as he traced the mark on her pubic bone. “I’m done. I thought you were waiting for that sweater to come in for Ashley, did you cancel it?”