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Page 15
He wasn’t even touching her and her body was on fire, but he was right. There wasn’t time. Reaching for him, loving that she could, her hand cupped his jean clad cock. Her lips turning up into a grin. “We don’t have enough time...for that.”
Gage sucked in a breath, pushing his cock into her hand. “What do you have in mind?” Gage asked, watching the heat behind her eyes build as she began to unbutton his jeans, slowly pulling the zipper down.
She didn’t answer with words, just worked his jeans down freeing his cock. Her gaze drifting up to his face. She would never grow tired of the way he looked at her. Holding his dark gaze, she curled her fingers around his cock.
His hips automatically moved, thrusting, he began to fuck her hand. “Fuck.” He groaned when she tightened her grip.
“You feel so good.” She moaned.
Gage’s head fell back, eyes closed, as she started working in rhythm with his thrusts. “Jesus,” he grunted on a hiss.
He was a sight; his head back, the column of his throat on display. She wanted to lick him, right up along that neck, but she didn’t want to miss seeing him come. “You’re beautiful.”
Gage’s breathing became labored as he pushed harder into Tilly’s hand. She gripped him firmly, working him in tandem. “Fuck,” he grated out between clenched teeth as his release slowly moved up his shaft. He opened his eyes, fixed on the gorgeous hazel ones staring at him. All the muscles in his abs tensed, he sucked in a breath and groaned her name as he came in Tilly’s hand while she watched, drops landing on his t-shirt.
Her hand slowed, milking every last drop.
She lifted her gaze from his cock, finding his already on her. Her lips tipped up when she asked, “You have any idea how sexy you look when you come?”
Gage grinned. “Not as sexy as you.”
“That’s debatable.” She wiped the tip of his cock with her thumb, held his gaze, brought it to her mouth and licked his taste off.
“Jesus, Till,” Gage rumbled as he watched her suck on her thumb. “That’s unfair play, sweetheart.”
The thought of his mouth on her had her getting out of bed before she wouldn’t be able to. Climbing from it, she said, “We have to get downstairs anyway.” She glanced back at him. “You can even things up later.” Her teasing faded seeing him lying there, his jeans low, his cock out, looking at her like she was looking at him. “I dreamt of this so many times.” She ran her gaze down his body. It wasn’t just her body that responded, her heart did, too. She met his stare when she whispered, “Real life is so much better than my dreams.”
Gage watched as Tilly walked slowly to the bathroom. How fucking right she was, life was so much better when you were able to live out your dream. His hands were itching to grab his cell and tell Dom they weren’t coming down. Hell, they were going to stay, live in that fucking room. But just as she shut the bathroom door, so was that thought in Gage’s head.
The bar sat at the back of the lobby, an entrance on the street, another through the lobby that jetted into the crowded space, like the point of a triangle, with windows on either side of the door. Gage and Tilly edged up to the one bank of windows, and while Tilly scanned the lobby, Gage checked out the bar.
“Yep, Kenny is with them,” Gage muttered.
Tilly stepped back from the window and hissed, “Shit.”
Gage turned, and he told her, “Okay, we go with plan B since Kenny is with them.” He took her hand in his, gave her a squeeze, winked and walked into the bar.
Tilly waited a few minutes. As relaxed as she had been in the room, she was anything but now. Standing there it hit her, what she was doing? She was sneaking around with another man, and her boss was in that bar. Her boss. She leaned back against the wall, looked up to the ceiling and tried to pull in a breath. This was madness, what she was doing was madness, but she couldn’t deny what time they had spent together had been worth the risks.
Stepping from the wall, she worked to calm her nerves before she walked into the bar. She spotted Gage immediately because he stood so much taller than most in the room. She also saw her boss, talking animatedly with a shorter man who she assumed was Dom. Fear hit, not of getting caught, but of losing what time she had left with Gage. Her eyes moved back to him and that was enough to help push back some of the fear. On shaky legs, she headed in their direction. Kenny saw her almost immediately, his eyes going wide.
“Tillian!” He shouted, and added a wave to get her attention.
She’d never be an actress, but she took another deep breath then did her best to look surprised. “Kenny, hi.”
Gage ran a hand over his mouth, hiding the grin forming on his lips. Dom looked over at Gage, eyes asking questions he couldn’t answer at the moment. “This the woman you were telling me about?” Gage said loudly, getting Kenny’s attention.
“Yes,” He started. “Yes, it is. Tillian, what are you doing here?”
She reached them, throwing a strained smile to those assembled. She wanted to seek out Gage, wanted the comfort only he could give, but she settled her gaze on Kenny. “I’m spoiling myself with a weekend of pampering. I thought I heard my name earlier today when I was out shopping, which you can imagine my surprise because I never come to the city. But then I remembered the convention. I took a shot, asked the concierge who said most of the attendees were in the bar, so I thought I’d stop by and see if you were around.”
Gage watched Tilly, noticed she was on edge as she fumbled with the strap of her purse. It was fucking cute as hell. Gage being Gage, he had to fuck with her.
“Wow, how were you able to get a room? The last I heard they were booked solid.” He asked Tilly, his eyes twinkling when her head snapped to him. He knew very well how she was able to get a room, but she also told him she’d paid a mint for it.
Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. Talk about putting her on the spot. She saw the mischief behind his eyes, and she was tempted to narrow her own. Nerves gave way to challenge. Turning her attention back on Kenny, she replied sweetly, “Apparently there’s a lot happening in the city this weekend, hotels are booked, but there was a cancellation.” It should concern her how the lies rolled so easily off her tongue. She then allowed her gaze to linger on Gage. She had a hell of an incentive to be creative.
“I think it’s wonderful that you’re taking time for yourself,” Kenny said.
“Can I get you a drink?” Gage asked Tilly, before anyone could utter another word.
Her gaze hit his. “Please, a screaming orgasm.” At Gage’s expression, she had to bite back the laugh. Her focus shifting to Kenny, her tone bright. “I’ve never actually had a weekend away. I was really looking forward to it, but I must say, I’ve found myself kind of bored. Unstimulated.”
Gage just about choked on the beer that had been sliding down his throat. Dom straight out laughed, Arty and Kyle joining him.
“I’m sorry, dear, what did you just order?” Kenny said, dismissing what she said.
So caught up in the unspoken banter with Gage, she forgot she was talking to her boss. Her cheeks burned, before she replied softly, “I know, but they’re very good.”
Once Gage ordered her drink, he turned, leveling his eyes on hers, and said, “In this city, I have no doubt that your weekend will pick up, and you’ll find stimulation in a variety of ways you never thought possible.”
“We still talking about the drink?” Kyle butted in.
Kenny bumped shoulders with Kyle. “Kid, I’m not sure what the hell we are talking about anymore.” Kenny downed the rest of his beer and called, “Another round?”
“Sure,” Dom said, and when Kenny walked to an opening at the bar to order more beers, he turned to Tilly. “Dominic Bridges, nice to meet you.” He extended his hand out to her.
Dom, Gage’s best friend. Shorter than him, black hair and eyes. His s
kin tanned from all the outdoor work. Slipping her hand into his, she offered sincerely, “Tilly Forester. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Dom’s eyes moved down Tilly’s body and back up again, assessing her. “How do you know, Kenny?”
“She works for me, my new designer.” Kenny answered as he rejoined the group with his arms full of beers. He handed them out. “Gage, Tillian, is the reason I’d like to talk with you.”
“She is?” Gage responded quickly. His heart rate picking up, palms growing sweaty.
“I am?” Tilly practically screeched that, her eyes darting to Gage. Did Kenny know? The urge to lean into Gage for strength was strong.
Kenny shifted his eyes between the both of them. “Yes, she is.” He looked around the room. “Is there a table available yet?”
“Over there, I’ll grab it,” Arty said and started for the empty spot before anyone occupied it. Kyle followed closely behind him, and Dom threw an arm over Kenny’s shoulders, moving him away from Gage and Tilly.
Gage grabbed the glass off the bar, threw a few bills down and turned to Tilly, offering her the drink. Then he asked, “Why the hell does he wanna talk to me about you?”
Tilly didn’t answer right away, taking a long sip of her drink. If she thought it would calm her nerves, she’d be wrong. “I have no idea.” She leaned closer to Gage. “He can’t know, can he?”
Gage moved in closer until their bodies were aligned side by side and touching. “Kenny’s a good guy, but not sure he’d pick on that shit if it slapped him in the face.” Gage jerked his head in the direction of the others. “Let’s find out.”
Tilly took another long sip, feeling the effects now. She didn’t argue with Gage when he moved them through the crowd, but she did mutter, “We should have stayed up in the room. Your mouth between my legs would have been so much more fun.”
Gage felt those words travel into his ears, down his body and land in his cock. “For fucks sake, Till,” Gage bit out, looking down at her with narrowing eyes.
She looked up and grinned. “Pay back for the room comment.”
Gage laid his hand on Tilly’s lower back, guiding her through the mob. “I thought your unstimulated comment was enough,” he whispered firmly.
She thought about that for a second. “Okay, maybe not payback. Wishful thinking.”
Right before they made it to the others, Gage leaned in and whispered near the back of her ear. “No need to wish, baby, I’m gonna eat you till you fucking scream.” Gage lifted his head and said to the table, “We getting apps, I’m fucking starving?” Then took one of the open seats, smiling when his eyes drifted to Tilly to find her flustered by his comment.
Tilly’s glass almost slipped from her hand; her legs felt funny as she dropped down in a chair.
“You okay, Tilly?” Kenny asked.
She couldn’t look at Gage, not with his words swimming around in her head. Dear God, she needed more alcohol. “I’m fine,” she said, then added more softly, “feeling stimulated now.”
Gage reached for a bread stick and said, “Told ya it’d kick in.”
Dom shook his head, knowing very well what his friend was up to. Enjoying the fact that he seemed happier than he had been, but also worried that Gage was doing more damage to himself than he realized.
“Arty Freeman.” He pushed his hand across the table toward Tilly. “I work at Sutherlands.”
It took effort for Tilly to move past Gage’s declaration, but it dawned on her that she was meeting his crew. She and Gage had talked about them, felt like she already knew them, but actually getting a peek inside his world... Her smile was genuine when she took Arty’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” She then asked, to keep up the pretense, “Sutherlands?”
“Gage Sutherland,” Kenny pointed to Gage, and Gage smiled at Tilly. “He owns Sutherlands, a very successful landscaping company in Yardley.” Kenny looked to Gage when he finished. “And bleeding out into the neighboring towns.”
Tilly again feigned surprise when she said, “Yardley. Small world.”
Kyle lifted his hand at the other end of the table when he caught Tilly’s eyes, “Kyle Hillden.” He smiled.
“Hi, Kyle.”
Gage lifted his beer. “It is.” He took a swig and said, “You live up in West Chester with Kenny?”
Tilly took another long drink, her eyes on Gage. He could so easily make her forget where she was with just a simple look. She was speaking only to him when she teased, “I don’t live with Kenny, but I do live in West Chester.”
Gage drew his top lip into his mouth, biting back the smartass remark that wanted to fall from it. “Well, I figured that out.” He chuckled.
“She’s gonna give you a run for your money,” Dom uttered lowly.
“What was that?’ Kenny asked from across the table.
Dom shook his head and tossed a breadstick in his mouth. “Nothing.” He mumbled around the chewed dough.
Gage took his eyes from Tilly and moved them to Kenny, getting ready to question him on what exactly he wanted to talk about that included Tilly, just as the waitress appeared. Her focus was on her pad, ready to do the same routine she’d done countless times that night.
“What can I get you?” She asked, not bothering to look at the table.
Gage started, “Can we get three sampler platters to start.”
She jotted that down then her eyes lifted. “Can I get…” Her eyes grew wide when she saw the face that went with the voice. She stood a little taller, pushing her chest out. Her voice dropped to almost a purr when she asked, “Is there something else you’d like?”
Witnessing the change in the waitress, Tilly almost choked on her drink. Her eyes watering when she turned them on the waitress who was actually flipping her hair behind her shoulder. She followed her stare to Gage. She understood the appeal.
“Is everyone good?” Gage asked, his eyes roaming the table. When they landed on Tilly, he saw the laughter she was holding back. He wanted to wink, but like the other things he kept finding himself wanting to do, he held it back. When everyone muttered yes, he looked back at the waitress. “No, sweetheart, we’re good.”
The waitress leaned forward, pushing her breasts together, when she added, “I’m Daisy. You need anything, you give a holler.”
Tilly watched the scene, had seen it before with him. She lowered her eyes to her glass. She’d thought it then, thought it again now. What was it about her that caught his attention? She’d seen pictures of his wife. She was a beauty. He could have that, younger, stunning, a better personality. So why her, a woman carrying more weight than she should and creeping up on forty? She wasn’t undermining herself; she knew her strengths and her flaws, but a man who drew the attention like Gage could be more discriminating. She glanced up at him, finding his eyes on her. She didn’t need to know why. For the next two days, he was hers.
Just from the short time he’d spent with Tilly, she was easy to read. Through the muffled voices, he could clearly see the whys floating up from her mind. Heather was used to the attention he got from other women, even his own daughter teased him about it. What Tilly didn’t understand was that he never entertained the idea of taking any of the women up on their silent offers. That she was different. That their connection went deeper than the surface.
He locked eyes with her, trying to convey that message to her, and when his lips tipped up into a small smile, he hoped she felt the comfort he was trying to provide.
“So,” He started, moving his attention to Kenny. “What did you wanna talk about?”
Kenny’s eyes roamed over the others at the table, pausing on Gage’s workers, and said, “Maybe we should talk alone.”
Gage looked at his men—Dom, his ride or die, Arty, a trustworthy hard worker, and Kyle, a kid who busted his ass. “Nah, here is good,” Gage told him, leaning back in his chair
and crossing his arms in challenge.
Kenny took a deep breath and uttered, “Okay.” He placed his elbows on the table and played with the wilting label on his bottle of beer. “Tillian is a diamond in the rough and—”
Unconsciously, Gage responded, “I have no doubt.” He moved his eyes to her, taking in the slight flush of pink on her cheeks.
His gaze drifted to his side when Dom muttered quietly, “Watch yourself.”
His and Dom’s eyes met briefly, Gage gave a quick nod. “Go on,” Gage told Kenny.
Kenny fidgeted, his focus darting around the table before he managed to focus back on Gage. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple, his voice a little unsteady. “It’d be a detriment to her career to limit her talent to only West Chester.”
Gage’s eyes jerked to Tilly to see the look of shock on her face, that was followed quickly with a darkening on her cheeks when she realized where Kenny was going with this. Gage was right there with her. Kenny didn’t need to say any more. Gage knew what he was asking. Fuck.
Kenny went on when Gage finally looked back to him. “I’ve been doing some thinking and,” Kenny paused, leveling his eyes on Gage and asked, “Thought maybe we could team up, expand both of our businesses...there are a lot of counties between our two towns.”
Gage lifted his hand, halting Kenny. He lifted his beer, too, draining the contents. The last sip going down wrong, he started to cough. Dom patted Gage on the back and asked, “So, you want Shady Meadows and Sutherlands to team up?”
Kenny looked to the table, nervously biting at his lip before answering Dom on a strangled breath, “Yeah,” He started, his eyes bouncing between Gage, who had recovered from his coughing fit, to Dom as he pleaded his case. “I know Shady Meadows is nowhere near as huge as Sutherlands, but I think if we teamed up, had Tillian as our designer, we could make an empire.”